Amiga Plus 1997 #1
Amiga Plus CD - 1997 - No. 01.iso
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242 lines
;---; gtfdefs.r ;------------------------------------------------------------
* Author Stefan Walter
* Version 1.09
* Last Revision 16.10.95
* Identifier gtf_d_defined
* Prefix gtf_ (GadToolsFace)
* ¯ ¯ ¯
ifnd gtf_d_defined
gtf_d_defined =1
* Various
* Minimal IDCMP flags required for proper functioning.
gtf_MINIDCMP equ $02000004
* Miscellanous definitions
POSINFO equ -1 ;for own 'generic' gadgets
* Bit definitions used in the flag field of a GTFace gadget entry.
* There are three kind of flags:
* 0-3 are checked for each kind of gadgets before it is created.
* 4-5 are checked for each kind of gadgets after it is created.
* The flag handlers tinker with the created gadget structure.
* 6-15 have seperate meanings for different gadget types. There
* are flags that are valid for more than one gadget kind,
* i.e. RightJustify or Label.
* The bits to choose are generally set via macros.
* General
gtf_b_Underscore equ 0
gtf_b_Disabled equ 1
gtf_b_ToggleSelect equ 4
gtf_b_Selected equ 5
* CheckBox
gtf_b_Checked equ 8
* Integer
gtf_b_Number equ 8
gtf_b_MaxChars equ 9 ;also for String
gtf_b_NoTabCycle equ 10
gtf_b_RightJustified equ 11 ;also for String
* ListView
gtf_b_Labels equ 8 ;also for MX and Cycle
gtf_b_ReadOnly equ 9
gtf_b_ShowSelected equ 10
gtf_b_LVSelected equ 11
* MX (Mutual Exclude)
;gtf_b_Labels equ 8 ;see ListView
gtf_b_Active equ 9
gtf_b_Spacing equ 10
* Slider
gtf_b_RelVerify equ 8
gtf_b_Min equ 9
gtf_b_Max equ 10
gtf_b_Level equ 11
gtf_b_MaxLevelLen equ 12
gtf_b_LevelFormat equ 13
gtf_b_LevelPlace equ 14
gtf_b_DispFunc equ 15
* Cycle
;gtf_b_Labels equ 8 ;see ListView
;gtf_b_Active equ 9 ;see MX
* String
gtf_b_String equ 8
;gtf_b_MaxChars equ 9 ;see Integer
gtf_b_TabCycle equ 10
;gtf_b_RightJustified equ 11 ;see Integer
gtf_b_EditHook equ 12
* Text
gtf_b_Text equ 8
gtf_b_CopyText equ 9
gtf_b_Border equ 10
* The object structures.
* Object
gfb_next rs.l 1
gfb_flag rs.b 1
gfb_type rs.b 1
gfb_xpos rs.w 1
gfb_ypos rs.w 1
gfb_style rsval
gfb_width rs.w 1
gfb_text rsval
gfb_heigth rs.w 1
gfb_filled rs.w 1
gfb_SIZEOF rsval
* The key structures. When GTFace deals with windows and gadgets, it
* does this by using a key structure which holds all the information
* that is neccessary.
* WindowKey
gfw_window rs.l 1 ;window pointer
gfw_font rs.l 1 ;font used for window
gfw_textattr rs.l 1 ;TextAttr structure for that font
gfw_visualinfo rs.l 1 ;VisualInfo structure pointer
gfw_fontx rs.w 1 ;\ Size of font. GTFace will only
gfw_fonty rs.w 1 ;/ handle nonproportional fonts!
gfw_lefto rs.w 1 ;\ Size of left and top bar, taken
gfw_topo rs.w 1 ;/ from the window structure.
gfw_glists rs.l 3 ;list of gadget lists that are added
gfw_clear rs.w 1 ;contains color number of background
gfw_horbd rs.w 1 ;size of left and right border together
gfw_vertbd rs.w 1 ;size of top and bottom border together
gfw_idcmp rs.l 1 ;IDCMP always needed
gfw_menu rs.l 1 ;menu appended
gfw_msgidcmp rs.l 1 ;\
gfw_msgcode rs.w 1 ; | These will contain a copy of
gfw_msgqualifier rs.w 1 ; | the information from a
gfw_msgaddr rs.l 1 ; | message comming from gadtools
gfw_msgmousex rs.w 1 ; | or someone else that sends
gfw_msgmousey rs.w 1 ; | to the window port.
gfw_msgseconds rs.l 1 ; |
gfw_msgmicros rs.l 1 ;/
gfw_winxpos rs.w 1 ;\ Window dimensions of main window.
gfw_winypos rs.w 1 ; | These are tracked by GetGTFMsg.
gfw_winwidth rs.w 1 ; |
gfw_winheigth rs.w 1 ;/
gfw_winiwidth rs.w 1 ;\ For OpenWindowScaled these are
gfw_winiheigth rs.w 1 ;/ also stored!
gfw_zoomxpos rs.w 1 ;\ Zoomed window dimensions. Also
gfw_zoomypos rs.w 1 ; | tracked and updated by GetGTFMsg.
gfw_zoomwidth rs.w 1 ; |
gfw_zoomheigth rs.w 1 ;/
gfw_noscale rs.b 1 ;set if no scaling for window...
;used for OpenWindowScaledLast
gfw_domenu rs.b 1 ;set while doing menu callers. Must
;be cleared when menu caller changes
;window or menu.
gfw_SIZEOF rsval ;
* GadgetKey
gfg_next rs.l 1 ;\ Used to link several lists to a window
gfg_prev rs.l 1 ;/ for easy refreshing.
gfg_numof rs.l 1 ;number of gadgets in created list.
gfg_gnumof rs.l 1 ;number of gadtools gadgets
gfg_gadgets rs.l 1 ;first gadget
gfg_window rs.l 1 ;window the gadgets are rendered for
gfg_table rs.l 1 ;table of gadget addresses
gfg_remkey rs.l 1 ;remember key for objects
gfg_objects rs.l 1 ;remember key for objects
gfg_idcmp rs.l 1 ;IDCMP for these gadgets
gfg_SIZEOF rsval ;
* PosInfo
gfp_xpos rs.w 1 ;x-position of object
gfp_ypos rs.w 1 ;y-position (")
gfp_width rs.w 1 ;width of object
gfp_heigth rs.w 1 ;height of object
gfp_SIZEOF rsval